

  Copy Right, Copy Sense



Bellsouth vs. Donnelley

Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony

Copyright CodeA Linked Index

Feist Publications vs. Rural Telephone

Peter Veeck versus Southern Building Code Congress International Inc.,

Publications International  v. Meredith Corporation

Trade-Mark Cases, 100 U.S. 82 (1879)

U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8

Information on this site cannot be considered legal advice.  If you need legal advice on copyright, please consult an attorney or refer to one or more of the sponsor links on the right side of the page. Another place you might look is the US Copyright Office web site.

The copyright information on this site applies to U.S. Copyright, unless otherwise stated.

Copyright Notice © Details

I've done a bit of research on United States copyright and a couple of things I've learned is that many people are not familiar with copyright issues and that there some web sites that claim more in their notice or statement than is covered under copyright law. 

While the following copyright statement is specifically for our site, its copyright fundamentals (under U.S. copyright) really apply to virtually any site.

A lot of the material on our site is from the public domain, which cannot be copyrighted.  However, the selection of the material, it's arrangement and how it is presented are protected by copyright.  In other words, you can use the public domain material from our site, but you can't publish the same material with the same selection, arrangement, and or presentation that we have on our site.

Copyright Statement

©1997 - 2005 Michael Goad. 

All rights reserved, unless otherwise stated. Where a specific right is waived for, all other rights are retained.

The pages of this site may be freely linked to. Facts and ideas from this site may be freely used. (Facts and ideas can't be copyrighted.) None of the following may be duplicated without consent:

  • The selection and arrangement of facts and ideas located on this web site or any major portion  thereof. (The originality I've put into it.)
  • The original expression that the facts and ideas of this web site are clothed in, except as allowed under the "fair use" provision of copyright law.
  • The HTML Code (i.e. page layout) for any page or major portion thereof. (More of our originality)
  • Any original graphics (including photography) unless otherwise stated.

Our copyright does not extend to the following, except for their selection and arrangement within our work:

  • Any material that originates from the U.S. federal government, which in virtually every instance is automatically in the public domain.
  • Any other material that is in the public domain.
  • Any material on this site that is copyrighted by others, which either is here by permission or is used  under the provisions of fair use.

Note:  This copyright statement does not claim or convey any more rights than are provided under law for “© 1997 - 2005 Michael Goad.” The detailed notice is provided as a brief explanation of what our copyright does and doesn’t cover for those who are not familiar with copyright law.  Works are automatically copyrighted as soon as they are fixed by tangible means and a copyright notice is NOT required.



© 2005, Michael Goad