Before September 30, 1863, From The White Cloud Chief,
Schofield's Last Grunt".

General Schofield has just issued an order declaring that martial law will be enforced against all persons who shall utter or publish any facts or misrepresentation of facts calculated to create insubordination or distrust among the soldiers or people, or weaken the military authority. Persons found guilty are to be fined and imprisoned, and news papers offending are to be suppressed. Is this aimed at Copperheads and rebels who, while enjoying protection from the military, are engaged in plotting and executing treason, robbery, and butchery? "Nary!" It is a warning to Jacobins and Radicals, and, translated into English, means that any person or newspaper that has the hardihood to oppose Schofield, Gamble & Co. will have the "clamps put to them" for it. As Kansas is in Schofield's department, we cusses out here, who have been used to talking pretty much as we pleased, will have to "down breaks" or be fined, imprisoned, and suppressed. We wonder if the "great rejected" supposes he can deter an independent people from saying just what they think of him, and holding up his acts in their true light before the public.

The same dispatch that informs us of Schofield's order says the Missouri and Kansas committees to demand his removal are anxiously expected in Washington, and speaks hopefully of his removal, and of the appointment of General Butler in his place. It will hardly be that the President will disregard the voice of the people of these two States, by retaining in command an officer whose nomination to a major-generalship the Senate rejected.

Schofield is anxious to die hard, and to make a big stink as he goes. There is danger that he may kick his own entrails out.


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