A Joke on a Rebel Editor

            The editor of the Rebel Banner, published at Murfreesboro until Bragg's retreat to Shelbyville, and afterwards hailing from the latter town, tells the following good story:

            On Wednesday, the 31st of December, 1863, we went to the battle-field in search of glory and items.

            While following up the charge of General McCown's division, we -met a body of prisoners moving to the rear, and at once struck up a conversation with them. Unfortunately, we were dressed in cerulean habiliments and, upon attempting to leave, were ordered by the guard to remain where we were. With a smile of ineffable contempt, we drew from our pocket a pass; but what was our chagrin when we were accosted with, “I say, my boy, none of us can read; but that thar trick's too old, and I'll tell you another thing, yer infernal blue-bellied Yankee, if you try any more of them dodges, I'll souse this thing into yer gizzard."

            Think of that, O ye tribe of brother quill-drivers? The editor of this paper, the leading journal of the South, to be called a Yankee, and to be accredited with possessing an azure abdomen.

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