A Man of Nerve.

            A venerable judge related the following anecdote:

            The morning following the battle of Yorktown, I had the curiosity to attend the wounded. Among others whose limbs were so much injured as to require amputation, was a musician, who had received a musket ball in his knee. As usual in such a case, preparations were made to prevent the possibility of his moving. Says the sufferer, “Now, what would you be at?" “My lad, I'm going to take off your leg, and it is necessary that you should be lashed down." “I'll consent to no such thing. You may pluck my heart from my bosom, but you'll not confine me. Is there a violin in the camp? if so, bring it to me." A violin was furnished, and tuning it, he said, “Now, Doctor, begin." And he continued to play until the operation, which lasted about forty minutes, was completed, without missing a note or moving a muscle.

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