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Confederate Boy Soldiers Guarding Union Captives, 1861—Prisoners From Bull Run in Castle Pinckney

Ambulances of the Union Army Taking Part in the Grand Review 1865

When Muskets and Bayonets Were Turned Into Tent-Poles - Antietam

Caring for the Antietam Wounded in September, 1862, Just After the Bloodiest Day of the War

Aid for the Men at the Front—Christian Commission

John Wanamaker in '61

Prisoners of War in Fort Delaware, May, 1864―Brave and Distinguished Southerners in a Union Prison

Camp Douglas, Near Chicago, Where Confederate Prisoners from the West Were Confined

Men of New York’s "Fighting Sixty-Ninth," Prisoners in Charleston

In Casemate No. 2, Union Prisoners, Castle Pinckney

Colonel Corcoran, Who was Chosen by Lot for Death

Mrs Greenhow, the "Confederate Spy, With her Daughter, In the Old Capitol Prison









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Page updated 05/25/2006