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  Issue 1861—18>skedaddle>e-journal>1861- Issue 18
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April 22                        April 24

April 23, 1861

for April 23, 1861

Chronological History of the Civil War

  • First South Carolina regiment started for the Potomac.
  • Legislature of Vermont convened in extra session.

New York Herald

The News.

A despatch from Washington received yesterday, states that there are now fourteen thousand troops in the city, five thousand of whom are regulars.

Captain Lawry, of the ship Julia E. Tyler, arrived at this port yesterday, reports that he left Hampton Roads on the 21st inst., and was informed by the pilot who took his vessel to sea that the city of Norfolk and the Navy Yard at Gosport were both on fire. Captain L. says he saw the flames distinctly himself, but could tell nothing further.

Several of the clerks in the Post Office and Custom House have gone to the wars. Stringent measures are being adopted by the Surveyor to prevent the egress of privateers. A strong coast guard has also been organized. Eight thousand kegs of powder destined for New Orleans, and shipped four months ago, were prevented reaching their destination by stress of weather, and were brought back to this city.

All accounts from Baltimore represent the condition of affairs in that city as most fearful. Irresponsible mobs, calling themselves Vigilance Committees, exercise a severe espionage over persons entering or leaving the city, and those who incur their suspicion or displeasure are treated in the most harsh and summary manner. Numbers of the people are flying from their homes and seeking safety in the country. The bridges over the roads connecting with Baltimore have all been destroyed, and armed parties are assembled to prevent their repair or reconstruction. Travellers coming North have great difficulty in getting from the city, and on the slightest pretexts are detained and subjected to hardships and indignities.

A special messenger from President Lincoln reached Philadelphia on Sunday night. On his journey from Baltimore he was frequently stopped, but managed to reach Philadelphia safely. He reports the federal capital as safe from any attacks that can be made at present, and that if assailed it can be successfully defended until the reinforcements now on their way reach there.

There was a vague report in circulation in Philadelphia yesterday that at midnight on the 21st inst., Fort McHenry was shelling Baltimore.

New York has nobly responded to the call made for troops to assert and protect the honor of our national flag, and is fast drafting her military forces to the expected scene of strife. Four regiments have already taken their departure for Washington, as follows:


Seventh regiment, Col. Lefferts,  men 1,000

Seventy first regiment, Col. Vosburgh 1,000

Twelfth regiment, Col. Butterfield 950

Sixth regiment, Col. Pinckney 850

and four more leave today, as follows:

Sixty ninth regiment, Col. Corcoran, men 1,000

Eighth regiment, Col. Lyons 1,000

Thirteenth regiment, Col. Smith (Brooklyn) 700

Twenty eighth regiment, Col. Bennett (Brooklyn) 800.

It will thus be seen that 7,300 troops will have left the city by this evening—- no small share of the quota which is expected from the State—and a much larger number is in readiness to leave on receipt of the necessary orders.

No steamers sailed yesterday for the seat of war up to nine o’clock P.M. The Chesapeake has on board 3,500 bbls. of provisions and a company of United States riflemen from Governor’s Island. She will probably sail this morning. The steamer Parkersburg has steam on, waiting for the Albany regiment, which consists of 700 men. The other steamers—the Monticello, Roanoke, James Adger and Marion—are also ready.

Lieutenant Sennifer, late of the United States Army, stationed at Carlisle barracks, Pennsylvania, fled from that place yesterday morning, but by aid of the telegraph, Governor Curtin succeeded in having him arrested in York county. He is charged with furnishing the secessionists with information in regard to the movements of Governor Curtin’s troops and the condition of things at Carlisle barracks.

Our correspondent at Indianola states that there are about a thousand Union men in arms at San Antonio, and considerable trouble is anticipated. There appears also to be a growing conviction in the minds of many in Texas that the Mexicans mean mischief. These latter, under some frivolous pretext, are erecting batteries opposite Brownsville.

Anarchy in Baltimore.

The following account of the desperate condition of affairs in Baltimore, the terrible attitude of brigandage assumed by the Vigilance Committees of the city, and the dangers of the road to all Northern people necessitated to travel through the State, was kindly furnished us by the Rev. Henry M. Field, who went in the special train which left Wilmington Sunday morning in charge of the Superintendent of the road and intended for the conveyance of laborers to the different points between Washington and Baltimore where the line had been injured and the bridges burned down. The work of repair would have been speedily carried out, but at Havre de Grace, when they arrived there, the Superintendent was met by a party of friendly persons from some twelve miles beyond Havre de Grace, who emphatically warned him not to cross the river on any account; that if he did so, it would be at the certain peril of his life. These persons also informed him that all the intermediate bridges to Baltimore were destroyed, and armed parties were assembled to prevent repair or reconstruction. At Havre de Grace we met passengers who were compelled to take boat from Baltimore to Havre de Grace the night before. These persons all recounted but one story as to the dangers of the road, and they all expressed the heartiest thanks for their escape. They stated that they experienced the greatest difficulty in getting through without detention and without personal molestation from the excited mobs that roamed Baltimore. The authorities themselves hesitated for a time to let them pass on, and when at last those worthies gave their consent, they came to the resolution that no more travellers would be allowed to pass through their city. The whole population is in a ferment of excitement; the respectable portion of it in an agony of fear and dread under the reign of terror which has raised its horrid head in their midst. Great numbers of the people are flying from their homes and seeking safety in the country. Most, in fact, of those who can go are hurrying off. Terrorism reigned along the whole line within the borders of Maryland. Late travellers have been spotted, and all who may venture to pass through are liable to arrest and long detention, if not worse. One gentleman among the passengers by boat to Havre de Grace, born and bred in Baltimore, from some unknown cause, became subject to suspicion, and was instantly arrested as a spy, and for a time in danger of the penalty demanded of such worthies. Luckily for him he got a person to hastily communicate his position to the editor of a leading secession paper, who at once came to his rescue. On the assurance of this subject of Jeff Davis, the gentleman was released, the former protecting him until he had placed him on the boat. In each of the hotels a vigilance committee, composed of sixty armed men, exercises a severe espionage over all entering the same; and already Northern guests at the hotels, if not ready to give a satisfactory account of themselves, are in danger of arrest, and subject to many hardships and indignities. Those who succeed in getting away scathless look upon their escape as providential. In Baltimore there are not many secession flags flying, but numerous Maryland flags are to be seen, while the Stars and Stripes are no where, and none dare utter a word in behalf of the Union. The passengers, as they steamed out of the bay, noticed that Fort McHenry was in a state of defence, with all her guns run out to defend the flag of the Union, which still floats proudly over the heads of the gallant men who have sworn allegiance to it till the death. All communication, whether by actual travel or by electric telegraph, is cut off, and by the rail cannot be re-established except through the presence of troops in strength. Among the passengers were three or four of the Kansas company, who have for some time kept guard at the White House. One was on his way to Kansas to raise a regiment in defence of the country. There were supposed to be at Washington nearly ten thousand men, with sixty pieces of flying artillery. All salient points were in possession of the troops and all vulnerable positions strongly guarded, and the feeling of the men, one and all, is to deal terrible retribution on the heads of the secessionists should they assail the federal capital.

Mayor Allberger, of Buffalo, who has been spending some months in Baltimore, where his relatives reside, arrived in this city this morning. He left Baltimore on a canal boat. Six gentlemen who chartered a canal boat there on Friday, for $200, also arrived at the Astor House today. They report the condition of the city as most fearful. Armed mobs parade the streets, compelling all persons to unite with them in imprecations against the North, the government and the Union. The principal streets are all barricaded, and many of the houses furnished with shutters, in which loopholes are cut, for the purpose of pouring a deadly fire on any troops that might attempt to march through the city. Mr. Allberger, who had just risen from a sick bed, was surrounded by a mob of a dozen half drunken ruffians at the Entaw House before he left, who endeavoured, by abusive language to provoke a word of reply from him, intending no doubt, to shoot him on the spot, had he afforded them a pretext. He could not procure a revolver in the city, every store having been emptied of arms by the mob. A prominent citizen who was known as a Union man was compelled to leave the city at six hours’ notice, taking with him a family of eight children. It is believed that no Northern man’s life will be worth an hour’s purchase there, when the next gun is fired in the war.

The Campaign to Commence in Maryland.

It appears evident now that the campaign is to be opened in Maryland. The interception of the troops destined for the protection of the federal capital by the people of that State has rendered it a matter of necessity that its position as hostile territory should be recognized, but it is very much to be regretted that some measures were not taken in advance to prevent the obstruction of the Massachusetts and Pennsylvania regiments in their transit through the city of Baltimore.

Admitting all the skill, experience and well earned honors of Gen. Scott, and admitting also the activity of the War Department, it shows considerable neglect that the railroads and bridges were not properly protected before any troops from the North were sent through the State of Maryland. But this important measure having been overlooked, and Maryland having now actually assailed the troops of the government, it seems to be essential that that State shall be made the scene of the opening battle, and all the secessionists within its borders be driven into Virginia, in order that the government may hold undisputed right of war for its army to the capital of the republic. Maryland once subdued, it may become necessary to push the war into the other Southern States, as the progress of events may direct. That is a course, however, which the character of the contest alone can determine.

It is manifest, we think, that at this crisis some new material is needed in the army. Experienced general officers are required to support the Commander in Chief, and carry out his plans effectively; and, perhaps, the best thing that could be done would be to appoint to the post of Major General such vigorous and resolute men as Mr. Banks, late Governor of Massachusetts; Col. Fremont, who will soon return from Europe, and who has a large military experience, and Cassius M. Clay, who has postponed his departure for the Court of St. Petersburg in order to tender his services to the government in the field. An infusion of such skill, experience and valor as these men can bring into the ranks of the army would prove an important addition to its efficacy.

Daily Times

(Leavenworth, KS)

Juleps and Overcoats.

The New York Sunday Atlas thus pictures the peculiarities of Southerners:

A general impression prevails that the people of the South are far more extravagant in their dress than we of the North; and the Daily News asserts that a single Southern family consumes more in value in many instances than a whole New England Village. This is all nonsense. The South spends all it earns, but it is not for dress by any means. In Georgia, it costs a man ten times as much for brandy cocktails as it does for clothing, while his expenditure for Bourbon whisky is greater in one year than his hat and boot bills amount to in twenty years. Owing to a warm climate our friends at the South need but little clothing. The most of them keep warm by cursing and swearing. Thick clothes are a nuisance down south, and in all other climates where men have nine months of the year devoted to mosquitoes and the other three to yellow fever. The slave owner would buy lots of clothing if he needed it. But he does not. The thermometer being in the vicinity of eighty the whole time, the slave owner is ever more ready to invest in juleps than he is in overcoats. The South is death on drinks, but is slow on clothing. With a “light heart and a thin pair of breeches,” they care for nothing that looks like warmth and woolen. The light heart can be obtained with a toddy stick, while the thin pair of breeches can be found in two and a half yards of nankeen, at a cost of sixty cents. The News should overhaul its Southern statistics. When it does this, it will discover that those who consume the most rum are not those who consume the most broadcloth.

Amateur Soldiers

The amateur soldiers at the Fort are comfortably quartered in tents, and endure the hardships and dangers of their position with becoming fortitude. They are in good spirits, but would like to come down to town occasionally in day time. They are in no danger of starvation, being provided with all the choicest delicacies of Uncle Sam’s table. One of the “boys” dispatched a messenger to his boarding house, yesterday, for a quantity of edibles, with instructions to send anything but bacon and beans.

Staunton Spectator

(Staunton, VA.)

Action of the Town Council

The Town Council on Wednesday, the 17th inst., made an appropriation of $3,000 for the purchase of 100 fire-arms, equipments and ammunition, for the use of the “Home Guard” in Staunton, and $500, to be applied to the wants of the families of the soldiers who have been or will be called into service, and appointed a police of ten for each night till the May Court.

Memphis Daily Appeal

Services for the making of uniforms

Editors Appeal: Will you be so kind as to offer through your columns to the various military companies now forming in the city, our services for the making of uniforms, or other necessary articles. Our meeting will be held at Union chapel, at 10 o’clock A.M. of each day for the present week, where all work designed for us must be sent. The ladies, generally, not interested in other associations, are invited to meet with us, and thus encourage our husbands, sons and brothers in their noble effort to defend our homes.

Mrs. J. M. Patrick, Mrs. J. Flaherty, Mrs. S. W. Vernon, Mrs. A. Webb, Mrs. Coleman, and others.

Charleston Mercury

Our Montgomery Correspondence.

MONTGOMERY, April 17, 1861.

Notwithstanding many hard things have been said, I am inclined to believe, from conversation with prominent men, that Major ANDERSON is not generally censured for his course in regard to Fort Sumter. The fact of his being denounced as a traitor at the North, should cause us to examine closely into the motive for his acts. Here he is regarded as a good soldier, a brave officer, a man of honor, and his name is coupled with praise except by those who blame him for not resigning his commission upon the election of LINCOLN. So long as his native State remained in the Union, and adhered to the Government of the United States, no real dishonor could be attached to the man for clinging to its fortunes. Undoubtedly all his feelings and sympathies are strongly with the South, but his high sense of duty would not allow him to betray the trust given him by his Government until properly relieved. Standing as Major ANDERSON now does—an enemy to this Government—we do not have that interest in his welfare that we otherwise would; still, no injustice should be done a brave and gallant soldier, no matter to what Government he owes allegiance.

General PILLOW, who came here a few days since to offer the service of ten thousand Tennessee volunteers, returned yesterday. The Secretary of War has accepted the offer, and General PILLOW will at once put them into the field, subject to the order of the Confederate States. In connection with the fact that LINCOLN’S Government made an unsuccessful attempt to call out soldiers from the Border States, I may mention that bona fide offers of volunteers from each of these States are now on file in the War Department, which offers will be accepted if occasion requires.

The question is often asked by Captains of volunteer corps when the Secretary of War will put them into service, and to what point they will be sent. Letters upon this subject are received daily from all parts of the country. This comes of a misunderstanding of the objects and construction of the Provisional Army. For all such information the Governor of each State should be applied to, for the Confederate States receives only such troops as are tendered by each State, armed and equipped, according to the provisions of the Bill authorizing a call for volunteers.

A few additional appointments have been made in the Navy; the following is a list of them:

Paymaster—John W. Nixon, Louisiana.

Surgeon—Francis L. Galt, Georgia.

First Lieutenant Navy—Wm. L. Bradford, Alabama.

First Lieutenant Marine Corps—R. H. Henderson, D.C.

Midshipmen—John Grimball, South Carolina; W. B. Hall, Louisiana; Charles W. Read, Mississippi; S. G. Stone, Jr., Alabama; J. H. Ingraham, South Carolina; Wm. V. Comstock, Louisiana; A. G. Hudgins, Virginia; John F. Holden, Tennessee.

I understand that negotiations are now pending, which, when concluded, will give us some vessels which can soon be made into men of war. Before many weeks longer the Confederate States will have a nucleus of a navy which will grow, of course, as the wants of the times demand. The applications for letters of marque are very numerous, and are granted every day. Privateering will soon become a profitable business to those who wish to engage in it. The last letters were given to a Boston man, who, finding the times hard in the way of peaceful trade, is about to fit out his schooner and try his fortune as a corsair.

GEO. W. LANE, the North Alabama lawyer who was appointed District Judge by LINCOLN, has thrown up his commission and joined a volunteer company as a private. JOHN L. HOPKINS, who was appointed United States District Attorney of the eastern division of Tennessee, has refused to accept the position. LINCOLN has not met with any alarming success in his appointments in the Southern States thus far.

L. H. MATHEWS, the correspondent of the Pensacola Observer, over the signature of ‘Nemo,’ who was arrested for furnishing information to the enemy, has been honorably acquitted. The offence charged against him was of having communicated intelligence of the anticipated attack upon Fort Pickens through his correspondence with the Observer. Mr. MATHEWSis an Irishman by birth, and an ardent friend of the South and her interests. No one can suspect him of evil intent.

The news from Pensacola state that the troops there are very anxious for the attack to begin, and work heartily in preparation. New batteries are being built and the old ones strengthened. Gen. BRAGG has laid an embargo upon the mail steamship Galveston, together with some twenty other vessels in port at this time. The Georgia troops have all arrived at Warrington, and are now encamped in or around that village.

A curious bet was made here today, that, should Virginia secede, ABRAHAM LINCOLN would leave the White House in disguise within ten days. The odds were two to one in favor of flight.

Yesterday the Cabinet had LINCOLN’S proclamation under discussion, and it was then determined to raise an additional force of 32,000 men. Each State furnishes 5000, except Florida, which will be required to send 2000. The arrival of Vice President STEPHENS at this time has given rise to rumors which have been published semi-officially, to the effect that the President will take command of the army, and establish his headquarters at Richmond, Virginia, Mr. STEPHENS remaining here in charge of the Government. No decision has thus far been made as to the course of the army; nor will there be, probably, before the course of Virginia is decided on.

The weather for the past few days has been very cold, rendering overcoats and fire a matter of necessity. There has been no frost worthy of notice, nor has the weather been severe enough to hurt the crops.


The Vigilant Rifles.

This fine company numbering one hundred men, and commanded by their gallant Captain, SAM’L Y. TUPPER, returned to the city from their post, the Five Gun Battery on Sullivan’s Island, last evening. Among the first in the field, this prompt and energetic corps have remained on duty as long as there was a likelihood of their being called into action. They have not been privileged to participate in the late glorious victory, as their battery was too far from Fort Sumter; but had they had an opportunity, they would have rendered a good account of themselves. Their time may come yet. The honorary members of the corps had prepared to give their gallant comrades a genuine good reception, but these active youths stole a march upon these old gentlemen, who are greatly disappointed in not being aware of their arrival so as to meet them in person. We tender them a hearty welcome and our good wishes.


The Richmond Examiner is very urgent in pressing the policy of the Southern States seizing Washington.

1. In the first place, for what do the Confederate States want Washington? If the Confederate States of America are to be a slaveholding Confederacy, Washington will not answer for their Capital. It is too near the Free States. The Capital of every country is usually in the heart of a country. Being the centre place of Government and of all authority, where the archives of a country are kept, it should be farthest removed from the aggressive violence of an enemy. No country situated as ours is, ever had its Capital on its frontier.

2. In the second place, the mixed population of Washington—half slaveholding and half abolition—will render it totally unfit for the quiet abode of slaveholders. They could never carry their slaves to Washington, and be free of the molestation of abolition fanatics. Being within a few hours’ travel of Pennsylvania, a Free State, there could be no security that their domestics would not be run off beyond their control.

3. But, above all, no troops of the Confederate States, or of any other State, can with propriety assail Washington before Maryland has seceded from the Union, and shall request their aid and intervention. Washington and the District of Columbia are exclusively within the territory of Maryland. If Maryland secedes from the Union of the United States with Virginia, we are under the impression Washington will need no invasion for it to fall without resistance into the hands of the Confederate States. It will be abandoned as the seat of Government of the United States. Nothing but force could then keep LINCOLN, SEWARD, &c., in Washington.

4. It is possible that the Government of the United States might use the District of Columbia, not merely for the purpose for which it was ceded—to carry on the peaceable administration of the Government—but as a military center for the invasion of Virginia and the Confederate States. In that case, doubtless, the District of Columbia becomes hostile territory, justly amenable to assault and occupancy. No nation is bound to stand still and see a hostile force collected on its borders for its invasion, and not make efforts to defeat its meditated hostility. In such an event, Washington may be rightfully seized; but we do not want it. If it was offered to us for nothing, on the condition that the Confederate States should make it their Capital, the offer should be rejected. With a new Republic, we should have a new Capital, erected in the heart of the South. Let Washington remain, with its magnificent buildings crumbling into ruin—a striking monument to future ages of the folly and wickedness of the people of the North. It would teach a lesson, in its silence and desolation, all the nations of the earth could learn and understand.

Col. Bacon’s Regiment.

We understand that the Seventh Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, Col. BACON, stationed at Schutzenplatz, were inspected yesterday afternoon by Governor PICKENS, accompanied by a portion of his Staff. Governor PICKENS delivered an eloquent and effective speech, in the course of which he alluded to the gallant service of the HOWARDS, of Maryland, at the Cowpens. He felt certain South Carolina would not desert Maryland or Virginia in their hour of need. Col. GREGG’S regiment was already on the way, and if it was necessary, not only the chivalrous Seventh, but every soldier that could be spared from South Carolina, would hasten to the assistance of their brethren of the South. Governor PICKENS was followed by Gen. McGOWAN and Col. BACON, who also made telling speeches. The enthusiasm of the Seventh has reached a high pitch, and to a man they are not only ready to defend their homes and firesides, but to fight for the homes and firesides that are threatened in the Border States. With a soldiery so devoted to the cause and so ready to sacrifice the comforts of home for the privations of the camp, and with a just cause to maintain, we are invincible.

Secession of Virginia

MONTGOMERY, April 19, 1861.

The news of the secession of Virginia, although expected for some days, was received yesterday with great demonstrations of delight. Immediately upon its announcement on the street, the Confederate flag was thrown to the breeze in all parts of the city. To many of them another star was hastily added, and then they were raised amid cheers and general expressions of joy. The ‘Blues’ fired a salute, and for sometime thereafter the rejoicings were more expressed by silence than by noisy demonstrations. Late in the evening there was an enthusiastic meeting of Virginians, who fired one hundred guns, and organized a meeting in Court Square, where several speeches were made. Among the speakers were JOHN TYLER, JR., Judge A. B. CLITHERALL, and SAMUEL C. HARRIS, a promising young lawyer of this city. Many houses were illuminated, and bonfires, rockets and fireworks lighted the streets. Our people, especially those from Virginia, or who traced their ancestry to that State, became exceedingly jubilant before the night was over.

I am sorry to learn that Dr. H. L. CAPERS, Chief Clerk of the Treasury, has been sometime ill, although he is now convalescent, but not yet able to attend to duty. Two appointments have been made in the Treasury Department. They are D. L. DALTON, of Alabama, a clerk in Second Auditor office, and ED. F. LEDYORD, clerk in the Light House Bureau. Thus far the loan has met with great success. Up to last night $6,350,000 has been heard from in the principal cities, aside from the other points where books were opened. Charleston had taken $2,250,000; New Orleans $2,710,000; Savannah, $750,000; Mobile, $200,000; Columbus, $100,000; Augusta, $250,000. Besides these, Montgomery took about $250,000 worth, which with some other amounts, made the sum total near eight million dollars. At 9 o’clock tonight additional returns will come in to the Department.

Richmond Enquirer

Virginia, God Bless Her!

We are prouder than ever of the land of our birth. Virginia gives this day satisfactory assurance to the world that she has not the breed of noble blood. Her long patience and forbearance under wrongs and injuries will not henceforth be construed into timidity or a time-serving policy, by the world, or by any portion thereof. She has defined her position in characters of living light. At the first open declaration of hostilities on the part of the Northern aggressor, she defiantly displays in his presence her time-honored flag, with its motto so suggestive to all Tyrants.

Her sons, from the sea-shore to the mountains, come forth with unexampled enthusiasm to uphold standard sheet at the risk of life, fortune and sacred honor. The moment Virginia calls upon her sons to come to her rescue, the voice of party and of faction is hushed, to be heard no more till her battle shall be fought and her victory won. The call of Lincoln for 2300 troops from this State, to assist him in reducing our sisters of the South to subjugation, will be responded to by forty times that number, if need be, to assist in teaching him and his councillors a lesson of humility which they will never forget. The spirit of patriotism which animated our forefathers in the days of old, still burns in the hearts of their son! God bless the old Commonwealth!

An Exciting Scene in Richmond.

When the report reached Richmond, about half past 12 o’clock today, (Sunday,) that the United States Steamship Pawnee, loaded with Federal troops, was on her way up James River, the bell at the capitol was tolled immediately, as a signal for the assembling of the Volunteers of the city. The scene at the different churches was very exciting, and many of the ladies were quite unnerved. Quiet, however, was soon restored. The volunteers immediately responded to the call, and preparations were made for a gallant defence. We are only afraid, however, that the report of this Federal Steamer movements is NOT TRUE. In any United States vessel is sent to this city on a hostile errand, we verily believe that she will never return under the same colors.

P.S.—As our extra is about to be put to press, the military force of this city is being concentrated at Rocketts, in the lower part of the city and near the wharves.

A large body of citizens are also in the ranks, well armed. A number of rifled guns are to be placed in position, and everything is being got ready to give the invaders as warm a reception as possible.

Evacuation of the Navy Yard.—The Guns Spiked.

(From the ‘Norfolk Herald.’)

Arms and Government Stores Destroyed.

On Saturday and Sunday the greatest excitement prevailed in the city. Troops were hurrying to and fro, and every one anxious to know what was to be done, but unable to obtain the desired information. The rumor was that the Cumberland was about to sail from the Navy Yard, and preparations were made to prevent her.

At 12 o’clock an officer came from the yard, bearing a flag of truce, and was conducted to Gen. Taliaferro’s Head-Quarters at the Atlantic Hotel, where a consultation was held which resulted in a promise from the commandant of the yard, Com. Macauley, that none of the vessels should be removed nor a shot fired except in self defence. The quieted the excitement, but it was renewed at a later hour, when it was ascertained that the Germantown and Merrimac had been scuttled, and that the heavy shears on the wharf at which the Germantown was lying had been cut away and allowed to fall midships across her decks, carrying away the main topmasts and yards. It was also perceived that the men were busily engaged in destroying and throwing overboard side and small arms, &c, and other property, and boats were constantly passing between the Pennsylvania, Cumberland and other vessels. The assurance of the Commodore, given by his officer at the truce interview, however, tended to allay the apprehension of an immediate collision.—But the continued stirring movements at the yard, soon rendered it certain that it was the intention of Macauley to destroy all the buildings and other property there, and it was therefore with not much surprise that, about midnight, after two or three slight explosions the light of a serious conflagration was observed at the yard. This continued to increase, and before daylight the demon work of destruction was extended to the immense ship houses known as A and B, (the former containing the entire frame of the New York 74, which had been on the stocks unfinished, for some thirty-eight years,) and also to the long ranges of two story offices and stores on each side of the main gate of the yard. The flames and heat from this tremendous mass of burning material, was set by a South-west wind directly towards the line of vessels moored on the edge of the channel opposite the yard, and nearly all of these, too, were speedily enveloped in flames.

The scene at this time was grand terrific beyond description. The roar of the conflagration was loud enough to be heard at three or four miles distance—and to this were added occasional discharges from the heavy guns of the old Pennsylvania, ship-of-the-line, as they became successively heated. These guns, it is asserted, were double-shotted and directed at different parts of the yard, for the purpose of ensuring its complete demolishment. This, however, is certain—that if all her guns had been thus prepared and directed, the district’ could not have been more completely cleared of its appurtenances.


As soon as the torch had been successfully applied to the ship houses, the Pawnee, which had been kept under steam from the moment of her arrival about nightfall on Saturday, was put in motion, and, taking the Cumberland in tow, retreated down the harbor out of the reach of danger, freighted with a great portion of valuable munitions, &c, from the yard, and the Commodore and other officers who had won for themselves the inglorious distinction of destroying devils in accomplishing such a vandal work. The ships proceeded as far down as the barricades at the narrows, where the Cumberland was left at anchor, and the Pawnee continued on to Fort Monroe.


As far as we could judge from a cursory observation, the property destroyed embraced besides the ship houses and contents, the range of buildings on the North line of the yard, (except the Commodore’s and Commander’s residences, which are unhurt,) the old marine barracks and one or two workshops, the immense lifting shears, the ships Pennsylvania, Merrimac, Raritan, Columbia, and brig Dolphin—burnt to the water’s edge; the sloop Germantown, broken and sunk; the Plymouth, settled and sunk even with her deck; and a vast amount of small arms, chronometers, and valuable engines and machinery in the Ordinance and other shops, broken up and rendered utterly useless.


Appearances indicated that it was intended to cripple this admirable and useful work, by blowing up the gates, but from some cause this was not done, and the dock was found to be altogether unhurt.

We cannot bring ourselves to believe that any officer of a Navy, distinguished by a high sense of honor and chivalrous courage, could willingly condescend to such an inglorious mode of warfare as this. We rather regard it as an emanation from the wretched cabal at Washington, and a practical carrying out of the tactics laid down by the villainous Sumner and other orators of the Black Republican party. Burn, sink and destroy is the word with them.

Destruction of Buildings and Property at Harper’s Ferry.

We learn by a passenger who arrived here in Richmond on Saturday that John Seddon, Esq., (member of the Virginia Legislature from Stafford county,) had been detailed with a body of Virginia troops to visit Harper’s Ferry, and proceeded to that place on Friday last.

When Mr. Seddon arrived at Harper’s Ferry, the citizens of that place, under the impression that the State authorities were about to make an unlawful seizure of their property, to the number of some two hundred and fifty or three hundred thousand, opposed the supposed invasion of their rights. On the arrival of three hundred Virginia troops, the Federal troops fearing they would be overpowered, fired the armory and evacuated it. As soon as this was done, the citizens of Harper’s Ferry saw the mistake they had made and with the State troops rushed forward to extinguish the fire and save the property within the armory, which they succeeded in doing in a great measure.

All of the machinery was saved uninjured, and 5,000 of the improved patent muskets were saved, and are now on the way to Richmond.

All of the buildings at Harper’s Ferry, and 9,000 of the old smooth bore muskets were destroyed.

There are now 2,300 State troops guarding Harper’s Ferry.

Plant Provisions.

It is particularly recommended and earnestly urged that our planters and farmers should put in large crops of provisions. We may be at the commencement of a long war, and it is essential to have full supplies for our people and troops. We must depend on ourselves, and may have no other source of supply but our own soil.

Our neighbor and friend of the ‘Whit,’ himself a practical farmer, and a gentleman of observation and foresight, in matters of wisdom,’ has the following suggestion to farmers:

At this present writing, the indications are, that everything eatable will bear a high price for the next twelve or eighteen months. The enlistment of armies on a grand scale will withdraw many from the pursuits of agriculture, and thereby diminish the product. Armies are, moreover, very profuse consumers, and require a much greater amount of food to keep them in game cock trim, than the same number of men in the ordinary vocations of life. We may, therefore, anticipate an unusual demand for meat and breadstuffs of every description. It is yet time for the Virginia farmers to enlarge their crops of corn, and they would probably act wisely in devotion the greater portion of their labor this year to the cultivation of that crop.

Apart from the disturbed condition of our own country, the old stocks of cereals are quite exhausted in Europe, and the late news foreshadows a war on a gigantic scale on that side of the water. With wars and scarcity in both Hemispheres, the price of bread will only be limited by the capacity to pay.

Virginians, To Arms!

For the third time in your history—a period of two hundred and forty one years—you are called upon to take up arms in defence of your homes against the invasion of a foreign foe. For the third time since the settlement of Jamestown, every Virginian is now called upon to battle for his State, his property, his honor, his life, and the lives of those dearer to him than life.

The following official document has been sent to us from the Executive Department for publication.




In obedience to a Resolution of the Convention, the injunction of secrecy having been removed, the following section of an Ordinance passed by the Convention is published for the information of the public:

‘Be it ordained, That the Governor of this Commonwealth be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to call into the service of the State as many volunteers as may be necessary to repel invasion and protect the citizens of the State in the present emergency, which volunteers he will receive in companies and organize into Regiments, Brigades and Divisions, according to the force required, and the Governor shall appoint and commission the general, field and staff officers of said volunteers, and proceed to have them organized and instructed. And that he shall immediately invite all efficient and worthy Virginians, and residents of Virginia, in the Army and Navy of the United States, to retire therefrom, and to enter the service of Virginia, assigning to them such rank as will not reverse the relative rank held by them in the United States service, and will at least be equivalent thereto.’

By order of the Governor,


Secretary of the Commonwealth.


The following Proclamation was issued by Gov. Letcher yesterday:


By the Governor of Virginia,


By virtue of authority vested in the Executive by the Convention, I JOHN LETCHER, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby order that each Volunteer Company, equipped and armed, whether of Infantry, Artillery or Riflemen, in the counties lying West of the city of Richmond, between Richmond the Blue Ridge and in the Valley of Virginia from the county of Rockbridge to the Tennessee line, establish forthwith on the lines of speedy communication a rendezvous and hold themselves in readiness for immediate orders. Telegraph or send by express to the Executive the name of Captains, number of men and description of force. It is further ordered that officers of all grades on the line of the Potomac river render obedience to the orders of Gen. PHILIP ST. GEORGE COCKE, who has been assigned to the command of that section of the military operations of the State bounded by said river.

{L.S.} Given under my hand, as Governor and

under the Seal of the Commonwealth at

Richmond, 21st April, 1861, and in the

85th year of the Commonwealth.


By the Governor, GEORGE W. MUNFORD,

Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Diary of a Yankee in the Patent Office

by Horatio Nelson Taft

TUESDAY 23—This has been a warm day. M. 83 in shade. Some 800 Marines were landed about noon at the Navy Yard. Nothing can be learned of the northern troops yet. Some say they are coming by water and some that they are fighting their way from Anapolis. Went with Julia to the Capitol to see the Mass. Regt. Was in the Senate Chamber. That seemed to be the Officers quarters. Have been in office all day alone. Doct King has leave of absence. The excitement has been less today. I have now but little apprehension of an attack upon the City at present.

A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary

by John Beauchamp Jones

April 23—Several prominent citizens telegraphed President Davis to-day to hasten to Virginia with as many troops as he can catch up, assuring him that his army will grow like a snow-ball as it progresses. I have no doubt it would. I think it would swell to 50,000 before reaching Washington, and that the people on the route would supply the quartermaster’s stores, and improvise an adequate commissariat. I believe he could drive the Abolitionists out of Washington even yet, if he would make a bold dash, and that there would be a universal uprising in all the border States this side of the Susquehanna. But he does not respond. Virginia was too late moving, and North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and Missouri have not seceded yet — though all of them will soon follow Virginia. Besides, the vote on the ratification in this State is to take place a month hence. It would be an infringement of State rights, and would be construed as an invasion of Virginia! Could the Union men in the Convention, after being forced to pass the ordinance, have dealt a more fatal blow to their country? But that is not all. The governor is appointing his Union partisans to military positions. Nevertheless, as time rolls on, and eternal separation is pronounced by the events that must be developed, they may prove true to the best interests of their native land.

Every hour there are fresh arrivals of organized companies from the country, tendering their services to the governor; and nearly all the young men in the city are drilling. The cadets of the Military Institute are rendering good service now, and Professor Jackson is truly a benefactor. I hope he will take the field himself; and if he does, I predict for him a successful career. 

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Since Skedaddle consumes the greatest part of my on-line time, I haven't been able to devote as much time to my  Internet Resources for Camping. However, I have provided a fairly comprehensive collection of links to  RV manufacturers' web sites.

Skedaddle e-journal is in its second year of publication. 

The first volume, with four issues, was published in 2004. Each issue contained a variety of articles, poems, and images, with no particular focus other than the American Civil War. 

In Volume 2, the focus is on day-to-day news from newspapers and other sources, starting with January 1, 1861 and ending on December 31, 1861.  In the initial issue of this volume, Lincoln is not yet inaugurated and the only state that has seceded is South Carolina.

The current intent is for further volumes to be created by year:

 Volume 3—1862
 Volume 4—1863
 Volume 5—1864
 Volume 6—1865

After Volume 6, I'm not sure what path Skedaddle will take, but that's a long time off.  There are still quite a few issues before Volume 2 is complete.

Copyright © 2005 Michael Goad—All rights reserved.